Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Fun

Today was a great day. It was so nice to be back in church with all our old friends. Its is also sad because one of your members are moving to Pittsburgh, PA. I will miss them alot, but they said I can come up and spend a week with them when I go up and see my family next summer so I have that to look froward too. It is also sad because I have to go back to work 2mrw lol. i love my job but vacation is so nice. After church today my brother and I went to the pool to hang out with some neighbors and that was loads of fun. The water is so nice and it was not to cold and not to hott. I guess I should take some pictures at the pool and post them, but its hard because Im usually watching a 5 year old and an 3 year old and I love them to death even though they can have their moments. Their like my other little brothers they call me their sister once in a while and they always want hugs and kisses haha :) Their mom is fantastic she calls me her daughter sometimes and she is like my second mom. She always looks out for me and scolds me in a playing way. Well thats one reason why I dont want to go to college far a way, because I will miss them alot and my parents and brother. I also want to be closer to my family though like my aunt and uncles and grandparents. I dont know wut I want to do yet or even where i want to go to college, guess I better get thinking. Have a great day 2mrw and will update you on that day.


Terri said...

MaryBeth, I'll be praying for you that you go exactly where the Lord wants you to be!

Aunt Terri

Marybeth said...

Thanks a bunch you have no idea how that makes me feel when I have people like family praying it takes alot of weight off my shoulders.

Love, Marybeth